What's this about?

The main aim of this blog is to bring together my enthusiasm for food and my love for travelling and nature. Here you'll find some of my recipes (using alternative ingredients) as well as pics of my favourite places and travels. A healthy life style is the underlying silver thread for all my posts but they are all created with a personal touch that express my outlook..take a look at my blog to find out more!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Courgette Cake

Hey guys, this morning I've been woken up at 5am by some adorable squawking seagulls on the roof and I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to make the most of the 3 hours I had before   starting to work. It's been really warm in the UK lately and I think that this cake is a good combination of fresh ingredients and delicious flavours that has definitely turned my morning around. Have a good day!

- 300 g courgettes
- 300 g self-raising flour
- 200 g sugar
- 150 g sultana
- orange zest
- 2 eggs
- vegetable oil
- baking powder.
For the icing:
- 150 fresh cheese
- 100 g icing sugar
- orange zest.

Preheat the oven at 170 C. Finely grate the courgettes and dry out as much liquid as you can. Whip the eggs with the sugar, then add the courgettes then the flour, a couple of spoons of oil and some orange zest and mix well. Add the sultanas and a spoon of baking power to the mixture and stir. Pour in a baking tray and bake for 1 hour. 
In the meantime, you can prepare the cheesy creamy icing top beating the cheese with the sugar and some orange zest. Just mix for a couple of minutes, if beaten too long the cream becomes too soft. Once ready, put in the fridge and spread it on the cake when it has cooled. 

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